What Makes us Different
We Use Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol, also known as isopropanol, is a type of alcohol that has been found to be highly effective for nausea relief when inhaled.
Breathing isopropyl alcohol is an effective anti-nausea remedy because it can help to reduce or eliminate nausea by stimulating olfactory senses that decrease activity in the vomiting center of the brain. This can help to prevent the feeling of nausea from progressing to the point of vomiting. Isopropyl alcohol works by inhibiting the activity of the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), a region of the brain that is responsible for initiating the vomiting reflex.
While isopropyl alcohol is effective for nausea relief, it's important to note that it should not be consumed orally as it is toxic in large doses. Inhalation of isopropyl alcohol is considered safe and effective for nausea relief when used in small concentrations. It's important to consult a doctor before using isopropyl alcohol as a remedy for nausea, especially if you are pregnant, have a medical condition or are taking any other medications.

We Use Medical Grade Ingredients
Our inhalers are made with 100% natural and pure grade essential oils for an immersive aromatherapy effect. It's based on thousands of years of experience.